Over 40,000 Flu Deaths each year in North America.. protect yourself Travelling

The world is scrambling to contain the deadly Coronavirus that originated in Wuhan province in China and we all are keen to protect ourselves but what about the 3,000 cases of Flu related death each year in Canada and according to the CDC over 40,000 in USA.

It is highly possible at some point if you travel on any form of public transport that you will be in close proximity to someone suffering with a Flu Virus that for some people with a lower immune system could be fatal.

With fewer that 50 cases of coronavirus outside of the epicentre of Wuhan in China that equates to a fraction of the population. But the FLU in general is a far greater problem and can also be just as dangerous. 

Media sensationalism doesn’t help you in the reporting from China in this case however I’m very glad that the Chinese Government has been so pro-active in trying to contain it.  I personally remember the SAARS crisis when I was living in UK but the newspapers made it sound like you would drop dead if you merely stepped foot off a plane in Canada.  This of course was not the case and risks to you now are still low but you should still always protect yourself when travelling, especially in cold and Flu Season. 

“In this era of global travel, you can never say the risk is zero of being exposed to something”,

says Dr. Yoko Furuya, medical director of infection prevention and control at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital.

But most of the cases so far have involved Wuhan and surrounding cities. "While the risk is not going to be zero, generally speaking there's not going to be a particularly elevated risk" outside that area, she says.

Full facts of how this particular virus is spread and it’s affects are still unsure but in the mean time you should absolutely be protecting yourself when you travel and not just to an area affected by the Coronavirus.

Here are a few tips to protect yourself from catching an infectious disease or Virus when travelling;

  1. Avoid non essential travel to Hubei province China. 

  2. Avoid non essential travel to an area where there is a risk of infection without necessary precaution like Malaria Tablets or yellow Fever Vaccination.

  3. Research where you are travelling to and check for any health advisories. 

  4. Wash your hands well with soap and often. Especially after being in public spaces and public transport of any kind. 

  5. Keep your distance from people. 3 ft if you can. 

  6. Bring a scarf that can have multiple uses including covering your face if you happen to be too close to someone. 

  7. Wear gloves. The queen does at all times~ follow her!

  8. Bring your own pillow and blanket on the plane- this could be a blanket scarf even.  

  9. Keep the neck pillow off the floor and off the belt of the X-ray - These are never cleaned.

  10. Keep strollers and baby items in large bag to protect them. 

  11. Don’t let your children crawl on the floor. 

  12. Carry hand sanitizer and wet wipes and use them often. 

  13. Clean the tray table well both sides. 

  14. Clean the seatbelt and seat pocket in front of you. 

  15. Clean the tv screen. 

  16. Avoid handshakes or close greetings. No air kisses or hugs. 

  17. Wear a mask if you wish although the CDC say these are not as effective as people think. 

  18. Wear glasses. Even if you don’t need them. 

  19. Move away from people coughing and cover your face.

  20. Wash hands regularly and use sanitizer. Yes I said that already but it needs saying twice!

Travelling safely is not just about being cautious but it is also being pragmatic. Know your surroundings. Know what you are dealing with. Know your risk and act  accordingly. 

Safe Travels! 


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